We were all so busy coming up to and during the show that now everything feels a bit flat. But, the cast and members are gathering on Monday to View The Movie – the video made of the show – so we can all laugh at ourselves and admire the wonderful lighting by Eric and Andrew.
We also have the famous Play Reading Evening coming up at the end of May. Somehow we haven’t had one of these events for a few years so we may have a few members who’ve never experienced the fun. I suppose you have to be a Drama-head to appreciate the nonsense that is casting and reading scenes for each other from known and unknown plays. And there’s always the Pot-Luck Supper to enjoy too.
We will be working on our wardrobe and props store during the summer with something exciting (for the ocd members) coming on this website to help us manage our shows. If you like grubbing around and sorting vast quantities of clothing let us know – we have a job for you!
Hopefully we will manage another more social gathering sometime during the Summer too, but officially we are on Holiday until we cast whatever it is we are casting in September. Any suggestions of a play for us gratefully received… leave any brilliant ideas in the comments!