Look at this! It’s a new website!! and yes, that does mean that I’ve been talking to myself these last few posts, but you know, I’m ok with that. No Change There.
So the committee are hoping that this lovely new website, with thanks to Andrew R and well, me, will encourage us, the members, to Engage with one another and to create Conversation. It might just be to slag off my posts, or someone else’s posts, or just post in general (unfair in my opinion, who doesn’t like a letter or a card?). It might be an in-depth discussion on the way we want our society to work.
It is also bringing the way we do our business nearly in to modern times. You can now book tickets through the website and pay by paypal with a link. You can pay your membership through the website (could everyone who is meant to do that please!?) by paypal or not. You can email us, message us, comment on us, nag us, review us (that’s the nice comments – thanks!) and hopefully keep up to date with what’s going on.
Of course you can view old photographs and new photographs. In the future you hopefully will be able to see some video clips from some of your favourite Charles Richards shows.
We do have a few missing Recent shows – notably Allo Allo – if anyone knows where to get them we’d be much obliged. Also, on the To Do List is to tackle the old albums from Roger and Maud, and Roly, and get scanning. We’re a Work In Progress.
Speaking of which, the play the play the play. Books Down this week. Exciting times. And now that you can book tickets online – well, off you go!
Love the new website. Looking forward to seeing the show on December 5th and enjoying a sherbet or two with the cast and crew afterwards. I may even help with the take down on Sunday (titter, titter)
Adrian Chapman