We are Delighted to announce Auditions for The Playboy of the Western World by John Millington Synge will be held on Thursday the 11th of January at 8pm in Wesley House, Leeson Park.
Making his directorial debut with us John McCarthy is taking on this classic and we invite all interested parties to come and audition. We will also be looking for people to volunteer for the multitude of occupations back, before and side stage.
Performance dates will be the 26th, 27th and 28th of April with rehearsals every Monday and Thursday and availability essential for the Whole Week (21st & 22nd for set build during the day, evenings 23rd, 24th and 25th for tech and dress rehearsals, and the 29th in the afternoon to take down the whole shebang).
And don’t forget that we are a membership society, if you haven’t renewed your membership yet you can do so in a plethora of ways, follow the links in the menu above. If you are not a member yet, come along to the audition or contact us in some other way (email us, message us on facebook, contact us from this website…) if you’re interested in joining us.