I just loaded photographs of the Pygmalion we did in 2003. Somehow that was before we had automatically digital photographs so they had been sitting around in an Envelope – Printed! Imagine! The quality of the photographs isn’t great to start with, but they give an idea of what it was like. And who was in it. And what the set was like. And what the costumes were like.
The set looks quite bare when looking back at it, but I don’t remember thinking that at the time. Perhaps we were preoccupied with getting the pillars off and changing from Study to Drawing Room to notice the lack of any real furniture. Of course the photographs are from a dress rehearsal so it’s highly likely that nothing looked the same when we came to the first night. More plants, more pictures, more furniture… happens all the time.
It’s lovely to look back though – so if you’ve any photographs of plays past that we haven’t got here please Do send them to us. We’d love to have them.